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About Us

  About Us

Vision & Values

2014 Briefings (.pdf)
Capabilities Brief

Ford IT Security, LLC has extensive experience providing IT services to the DoD with a focus on CyberSecurity programs for Defense and Civilian Federal Departments and Agencies.

Our experience has been with large Cyber programs such as the Department of Homland Secuirity's (DHS) Continuous Diagnistics and Mitigation (CDM) Program and the DoD's Electronic Health Record.

Our support has ensured secure networks and systems were designed, implemented, and Operate in a secure fashion to protect our nations critical assets. In addition, we have extensive cross Department and Agency program experience through our work with DHS CDM and the DoD/Department of Veteran Affairs which lead to secure solutions that has positively impacted 15 Federal Departments, Agencies, Offices.

Federal Experience
Department of Defense
Department of Defense

Veterans Affairs (VA) /
	Department of Defense (DoD)
Veterans Affairs (VA) /
Department of Defense (DoD)
Department of Navy
Department of Navy
Defense Health Agency
Defense Health
Agency (DHA)

SPAWAR Systems Center
Systems Center

MHS Enterprise Infrastructure
MHS Enterprise

Veterans Affairs (VA) /
	Department of Defense (DoD)
US Small
Business Administration

Commercial Experience

Our Federal experience allows our partners to benefit from our experience successfully executing critical cybersolutions, in response to high profile Federal programs, resulting in high quality solutions that are cost effective and secure our nation's most critical assets.


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